
TDW University - Rahasia Menjadi Kaya dan Bertumbuh Semakin Kaya

Kekayaan adalah sama dengan kemampuan untuk terus bertahan hidup dengan gaya hidup yang ada, tanpa harus bekerja.


Penelitian yg dilakukan oleh Gallup International menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata eksekutif ibukota & Asia kaya mampu bertahan 90 hari dengan gaya hidup yang ada apabila besok dia berhenti kerja. Setelah itu mereka harus mulai menjual asset atau berhutang.

Kaya adalah relatif. Sebagian orang merasa kaya ketika mempunyai uang 10 juta rupiah. Sebagian orang merasa tidak kaya walaupun sudah memiliki uang 10 milyar. Menurut majalah Forbes kaya adalah orang yang mempunyai penghasilan 1 juta US keatas setahunnya. Sedangkan menurut Robert T. Kiyosaki yang mengutip dari gurunya Buckminster Fuller bahwa kaya adalah bukan berapa besar active income anda melainkan kaya adalah apabila passive income lebih besar dari biaya hidup. Yang dimaksud passive income disini adalah uang yang masuk tanpa harus bekerja.

Sebagai perbandingan Mike Tyson, dia menghasilkan 300 juta USD sewaktu bertinju, tapi hari ini bangkrut dan masih berhutang 35 juta USD. Maka sebetulnya Mike Tyson bukan termasuk kaya, termasuk pula di dalam kategori orang yang bukan kaya adalah orang-orang yang punya penghasilan 1 Juta USD/tahun namun pengeluarannya 1,2 juta USD/tahun.

Pertanyaan penting kali ini adalah:

1.) Bila besok anda berhenti kerja, berapa lama anda dapat bertahan hidup dengan gaya hidup anda sekarang tanpa harus menjual asset-asset anda?

2.) Lalu bagaimana kita bisa kaya menurut versi Robert T. Kiyosaki dimana passive income lebih besar dari biaya hidup?

Jadi sebetulnya menurut Robert T. Kiyosaki, kaya adalah bagaimana menciptakan passive income lebih besar dari biaya hidup.

Cara membuat passive income:

- Royalti dari hak cipta
- Rumah yang disewakan/ dikostkan
- Saham-saham yang menghasilkan deviden
- Reksadana
- Usaha-usaha yang menghasilkan

Buatlah rangkaian rencana sumber pasif income anda. Sesuatu yang anda sukai dan dapat anda kerjakan sementara anda mengerjakan apa yang anda kerjakan sekarang.
Dan untuk mendapatkan materi tambahan eBook "24 Prinsip Miliarder yang Mencerahkan"
senilai Rp. 250.000,- oleh Tung Desem Waringin bisa Anda dapatkan di :

Jangan Takut Jadi Orang Aneh

"Dunia memang aneh", Gumam Pak Ustadz

"Apanya yang aneh Pak?" Tanya Penulis yang fakir ini.

"Tidakkah antum perhatikan disekeliling antum, bahwa dunia menjadi terbolak-balik, tuntunan jadi tontonan, tontonan jadi tuntunan, sesuatu yang wajar dan seharusnya dipergunjingkan, sementara perilaku menyimpang dan kurang ajar malah menjadi pemandangan biasa"

"Coba antum rasakan sendiri, nanti Maghrib, antum ke masjid, kenakan pakaian yang paling bagus yang antum miliki, pakai minyak wangi, pakai sorban, lalu antum berjalan kemari, nanti antum ceritakan apa yang antum alami" Kata Pak Ustadz.

Tanpa banyak tanya, penulis melakukan apa yang diperintahkan Pak Ustadz, menjelang maghrib, penulis bersiap dengan mengenakan pakaian dan wewangian dan berjalan menuju masjid yang berjarak sekitar 800m dari rumah.

Belum setengah perjalanan, penulis berpapasan dengan seorang ibu muda yang sedang jalan-jalan sore sambil menyuapi anaknya. "Aduh, tumben nih rapih banget, kayak pak ustadz, mau kemana sih?” Tanya ibu muda itu.

Sekilas pertanyaan tadi biasa saja, karena memang kami saling kenal, tapi ketika dikaitkan dengan ucapan Pak Ustadz diatas, menjadi sesuatu yang lain rasanya;

"Kenapa orang yang hendak pergi kemasjid dengan pakaian rapih dan memang semestinya seperti itu ditumbenin? Kenapa justru orang yang jalan-jalan dan ngasih makan anaknya ditengah jalan, ditengah kumandang adzan maghrib menjadi biasa-biasa saja?

Kenapa orang kemasjid dianggap aneh? Orang yang pergi ke masjid akan terasa "aneh" ketika orang-orang lain
justru tengah asyik nonton sinetron "intan".

Orang ke masjid akan terasa "aneh" ketika melalui kerumunan orang-orang yang sedang ngobrol dipinggir jalan dengan suara lantang seolah meningkahi suara panggilan adzan. Orang kemasjid terasa "aneh" ketika orang lebih sibuk mencuci motor dan mobilnya yang kotor kehujanan.
Ketika hal itu penulis ceritakan ke Pak Ustadz, beliau hanya tersenyum, "Kamu akan banyak menjumpai "keanehan-keanehan" lain di sekitarmu", kata Pak Ustadz.

"Keanehan-keanehan" disekitar kita?

Cobalah ketika kita datang ke kantor, kita lakukan shalat sunah dhuha, pasti akan nampak "aneh" ditengah orang-orang yang sibuk sarapan, baca koran dan ngobrol.

Cobalah kita shalat dhuhur atau Ashar tepat waktu, akan terasa “aneh", karena masjid masih kosong melompong, akan terasa aneh ditengah-tengah sebuah lingkungan dan teman yang biasa shalat di akhir waktu.

Cobalah berdzikir atau tadabur Al Qur’an ba'da shalat, akan terasa aneh ditengah-tengah orang yang tidur mendengkur setelah atau sebelum shalat. Dan makin terasa aneh ketika lampu mushola/masjid harus dimatikan agar tidurnya tidak silau dan nyaman. Orang yang mau shalat malah serasa menumpang ditempat orang tidur, bukan malah sebaliknya, yang tidur itu justru menumpang ditempat shalat. Aneh bukan?

Cobalah hari ini shalat Jum’at lebih awal, akan terasa aneh, karena masjid masih kosong, dan baru akan terisi penuh manakala khutbah kedua menjelang selesai.

Cobalah Anda kirim artikel atau tulisan yang berisi nasehat, akan terasa aneh ditengah-tengah kiriman e-mail yang berisi humor, plesetan, asal nimbrung, atau sekedar gue, elu, gue, elu dan test… test, test saja.

Cobalah baca artikel atau tulisan yang berisi nasehat atau hadist, atau ayat Al Qur’an, pasti akan terasa aneh ditengah orang-orang yang membaca artikel-artikel lelucon, lawakan yang tak lucu, berita hot atau lainnya.

Dan masih banyak keanehan-keanehan lainnya, tapi sekali lagi jangan takut menjadi orang "aneh" selama keanehan kita sesuai dengan tuntunan syari'at dan tata nilai serta norma yang benar.

Jangan takut "ditumbenin" ketika kita pergi kemasjid, dengan pakaian rapih, karena itulah yang benar yang sesuai dengan Al Qur’an (AlA'raf:31)

Jangan takut dikatakan "sok alim" ketika kita lakukan shalat dhuha di kantor, wong itu yang lebih baik kok, dari sekedar ngobrol ngalor-ngidul tak karuan.

Jangan takut dikatakan "Sok Rajin" ketika kita shalat tepat pada waktunya, karena memang shalat adalah kewajiban yang telah ditentukan waktunya terhadap orang-orang beriman.

Maka apabila kamu Telah menyelesaikan shalat(mu), ingatlah Allah di waktu berdiri, di waktu duduk dan di waktu berbaring. Kemudian apabila kamu Telah merasa aman, Maka Dirikanlah shalat itu (sebagaimana biasa). Sesungguhnya shalat itu adalah fardhu yang
ditentukan waktunya atas orang-orang yang beriman. (Annisaa:103)

Jangan takut untuk shalat Jum’at/shalat berjama'ah berada di shaf terdepan, karena perintahnya pun bersegeralah.....,Karena di shaf terdepan itu ada kemuliaan sehingga di jaman Nabi Salallahu'alaihi Wassalam para sahabat bisa bertengkar cuma gara-gara memperebutkan berada di shaf depan.

Hai orang-orang beriman, apabila diseru untuk menunaikan shalat Jum'at, Maka bersegeralah kamu kepada mengingat Allah dan tinggalkanlah jual beli[1475]. yang demikian itu lebih baik bagimu jika kamu Mengetahui. (Al Jumu'ah:9)

Jangan takut kirim artikel berupa nasehat, hadist atau ayat-ayat Al Qur'an, karena itu adalah sebagian dari tanggung jawab kita untuk saling menasehati, saling menyeru dalam kebenaran, dan seruan kepada kebenaran adalah sebaik-baik perkataan;

Siapakah yang lebih baik perkataannya daripada orang yang menyeru kepada Allah, mengerjakan amal yang saleh, dan berkata: "Sesungguhnya Aku termasuk orang-orang yang menyerah diri?" (Fusshilat:33)

Jangan takut artikel kita tidak dibaca, karena memang demikianlah Allah menciptakan ladang amal bagi kita. Kalau sekali menyerukan, sekali kirim artikel lantas semua orang mengikuti apa yang kita serukan, habis donk ladang amal kita....

Selamat jadi orang aneh ……

10 Hot Skills for 2009

I got this article forwarded from a friend. Interesting read..

10 Hot Skills for 2009

By Linda Leung

Whether we are in a down economy, seeing jobs go offshore, or witnessing jobs being cut altogether, there are certain IT skills that will never go out of style. With spending on cost-saving technologies such as virtualization rising, and the maintenance of networking and enterprise Microsoft software keeping IT professionals constantly in demand, here's our top 10 hot skills that will take us from a down economy and beyond.

1. Virtualization: Virtualization is hot. Vendors are jostling for lead position in the virtualization stakes and user organizations are seeing virtualization benefits through increased efficiency, lower costs, quick return on investment, and a more flexible computing model. But virtualization is complex; it encompasses the entire IT infrastructure, from the desktop to servers and storage systems. That's why IT professionals with virtualization experience are much in demand.
According to a recent article in Virtualization Review, jobs Web site Dice.com reported that the number of jobs advertised from January 2008 through the first week of November increased by 43% and 37% for VMware and general virtualization skills, respectively. That compares with a total job count that was down 12% during the same period.

Virtualization skills was cited by 35% of the 1,400 CIOs surveyed for the Robert Half Technology IT Hiring Index and Skills Report for the second quarter of 2009, up from 30% in the Q1 report. Virtualization as a skill first appeared in the Q208 survey when it was cited by 26% of respondents.

2. Web 2.0: Organizations have moved beyond establishing Web sites for their brands. Now they are embracing social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook, where you can find such household names as Ford Motor Company and AT&T. CIOs in a wide range of organizations are demanding IT professionals who can keep them up to speed with the fast-moving Web 2.0 world. Web development and Web site design first appeared as a sought-after skill in Robert Half Technology's Q408 report, when 42% of CIOs surveyed said they were in needs of such expertise. In Q209, 39% of respondents had a demand for Web skills.

According to PayScale.com, the typical salary for a Web designer in the U.S. range from $37,285 to $59,070. This compares to $60,000 for a Web developer, $40,000 for a graphic designer, and $60,000 for a programmer, according to Simply Hired a search engine for jobs.

3. Networking/Windows Administration: Proving that networking and Microsoft Windows administration skills will likely never go out of style, these two skills consistently appear as either the first, second, or third most sought after skill in Robert Half Technology's quarterly skills surveys. A full 65% (the second highest number) of CIOs surveyed for the Q209 report said they required network administration skills, while 64% (the third highest) of executives said they needed Windows admin experts. The skill most in demand in Q209 is desktop support, according to the survey.

Networking/systems admin jobs were cited in the Top 20 Most Recession-Proof Professions report by Jobfox from data collected during November 2007 to July 2008. The report noted that there is a limited supply of qualified workers in that profession, and reported that the median salary in the U.S. for such roles is between $65,000 and $75,000.

4. ITIL: The Information Technology Infrastructure Library is a business framework that was developed by the U.K.'s Office of Government Commerce. It is the subject of much buzz on this side of the pond, with firms such as DHL and General Motors adopting the IT services efficiency framework. A quick search of the Indeed job search aggregator site netted 6,266 jobs, with salaries ranging from $50,000 to $130,000. ITIL is cited by Foote Partners' IT Skills and Certification Pay Index report, for the last three months of 2008 as a skill that is seeing a sharp increase in pay and demand.

Foote Partners notes a "sharp increases in pay and demand for ITIL, CoBIT and similar expertise" in 2009, and that "while valuable in short range cost reduction initiatives, these are also core enterprise skills with high re-use value long term."

5. IT Architect/Project Management: The same Foote Partners report also notes that "nothing has been hotter" than IT architect and project management skills and that "they will still be hot commodities long after the economy improves." Certified folks in that category reported pay increases of 10% in the last 12 months to January 2009, according to the Foote Partners report.

The Open Group's IT Certified Architect and the Project Management Institute's Project Management Professional designations were the certifications that commanded the highest pay premiums, according to the report.

6. IT Security: This skill was called out by Foote Partners as one of three certification groups that saw significant gains in pay. A total of 18 different security certifications, including Check Point Certified Master Architect and Cisco Certified Security Professional, were listed among the IT certifications that earned the highest pay premiums in Foote Partners' 2009 IT Skills and Certifications Pay Index.

Security will never go out of style, even during a recession, as businesses are required to comply with regulatory controls and data protection requirements. Meanwhile, hackers continue their assaults no matter what the economy is doing. A survey by the SANS Institute showed that through the end of November 2009, 79% of respondents saw no cuts to their security staffing levels.

7. Wireless: Cisco generated buzz in its training community late last year when it launched the expert-level CCIE certification in wireless networking. As part of the launch, it commissioned a study conducted by Forrester Consulting, which found that 36% of global companies surveyed predicted that the number of dedicated wireless specialists on their IT staff would almost double in the next five years.

"In our research we found a pervasive need for wireless skills, and not just in North America," says Sanjay Mehta, Cisco product marketing manager for wireless and mobility. "The need for experts to design, deploy, manage and troubleshoot is growing exponentially." He says the wireless certification is particularly popular in emerging markets, such as Brazil, India, and China, where new wireless infrastructures are being built from the ground up.

8. Telecommunications: The government's $7.2 billion broadband stimulus initiative to extend broadband to rural and unserved communities will mean jobs for pros with telecom skills. Telecom providers operate in a very competitive market, and while operators cut costs in stagnant areas of their markets, they're still investing in others. For instance, AT&T this year cut its capital expenditure by $3 billion but it is investing in 3,000 new jobs for its mobility, broadband, and video initiatives, reports Unstrung.

Telecoms knowledge is also sought by CIOs. In Robert Half Technology's Q209 report, telecoms support was the fifth-highest skill sought by respondents, up from the sixth highest in the previous quarter.

9. Programming Languages (C, C++, C#): Forget about programming jobs being outsourced, experts with C, C++ and C# skills "have emerged as a highly desired skill set, being cited as 'in demand' just as often as Business Intelligence and Enterprise Solutions skills," according to the Veritude 2009 IT Outlook Report. Demand for software engineers increased from 27% to 32%, according Veritude's survey of IT hiring managers.

Those programming languages are also consistently the top most wanted programming skills in Dice reports. In February and March, Dice posted 9,881 and 10,465 Cx jobs, respectively.

Software engineering topped Money Magazine and Salary.com's list of Best Jobs in America in 2007, noting that the number of programming jobs would balloon from 800,050 in 2004, to 1.2 million in 2014. The profession, with an average annual salary of $80,427, beat college professor and financial advisor in the list.

10. Business Skills: Employment surveys have been telling us for a number of years that IT pros must possess business skills as well as technical expertise, and in a down economy IT folks who understand the business could be considered more valuable than those who don't. A survey by CompTIA of 215,085 IT pros found that employers valued "interpersonal and communication" skills in addition to 'strategic thinking" and "project management" know-how. The survey, which was conducted in 2007, found that 73% of respondents said they planned to upgrade their business skills within two years, with the majority studying for project management skills.

The IT pro who can understand how his employer's business works and can articulate how technology can be used to meet and exceed the company's goals is a true gem.
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